Nursery, Lower and Upper Kindergarten
At Kangaroo Kids we firmly believe that readiness for school includes children developing the knowledge, skills, values, behaviors, and attitudes that they will to successfully progress from one preschool level to another. They are provided with consistent nurturing experiences and are encouraged to explore the environment, to ignite their unique potential. Our power sheets are designed as an inquiry-based learning system to build future skills and to nourish the habits of mind in growing learners.
9 Future skills that we develop in the kindergarten students:
We intend to develop mental abilities, perspectives, and mastery of skills that will create future problem solvers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
15 Habits of mind for the kindergarten students:
The outcome of implementing habits of mind in our early years’ classrooms creates a thoughtful, cooperative, compassionate generation of individuals who work to resolve the social, environmental, and economic challenges of the world. Each month, the focus is on developing a new habit of mind for all levels through storybooks, activities, making choices, and practice. The monthly power sheets highlight the habits of mind along with its descriptor, that is being focused upon.
Integration and Interdisciplinary themes:
Recent studies have shown differences in brain architecture, and activity that correspond to a host of capabilities: reading, math, music, movement, and interpersonal relations. We integrate all these abilities as aspects of our curriculum and seek to build neural connections between the different centers in the brain responsible for holistic development.